What Does NRS Mean on Snapchat?

Using acronyms while chatting on Snapchat is increasing day by day. If you are a pro at cracking the meaning of such acronyms, then you will not face any issues, but if you are not familiar with the meaning of such slang, then you do not have to worry.
In this post, I will tell you the meaning of another famous Snapchat Acronym “NRS,” and some tips to handle such messages.
NRS – Meaning Explained
NRS stands for “No Replies” on Snapchat. You must have seen many people post a story on Snapchat with the caption NRS. It means they are telling that they are not going to reply to anyone for some time. It may be due to –
Well, from above, it may seem rude, but if we understand it deeply, then we can conclude that it is the right way to tell other Snapchat friends that he or she is not going to reply to anyone for some time.
Instead of sending a snap to each friend individually, posting a story with the caption of NRS is a good option.
You can understand it by the following example –
Brian posts a story on Snapchat, and in the caption he wrote NRS, sorry for the inconvenience.
Here, Brian is saying that he will not give a reply due to some reasons.
How To Respond to An NRS Message?
If your friend has posted a story, then, in my opinion, there is no need to reply, but if he has sent you a snap, then you should reply. You can reply with the following messages –
- “No worries, take your time.”
- “I understand. Hope everything’s okay.”
- “Thanks for letting me know. Talk to you later.”
- “Got it. Catch up when you’re free.”
- “Take care. I’ll be here when you’re back.”
Final Notes
This is what NRS means on Snapchat. I hope you liked this article. If you want to know the meaning of any other acronym, then visit our blog page.